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Project: Innovative Skills for Nurses

Funding Programme: Erasmus+ Programme, Cooperation partnerships in higher education

Project number: 2022-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000087854

Coordinator: Celeste Antão – Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.

Global Financial: 66.230€

Start Date: 01.10.2022

End Date: 30.09.2025

Official Web-site: https://innoskillsnurses.umfst.ro/index.php


The motivation that backs up the Innovative Skills for Nurses project is related structural issues with national healthcare systems that came to light, with the COVID pandemic.

The project focuses on designing of complete educational programme, including comprehensive curricular solutions, high-standard practical training, skills development proposals at national and EU levels, to achieve excellence in the Specialist (SN) and the Advanced Practice Nurses (APN) qualification.


The main objectives of the project are:

- Develop an innovative Curriculum to be implemented in all partner universities for the training of Specialist Nurses (SN) and Advanced Practice Nurses (APN)

- Provide trainers and lecturers of in-service and student nurses with innovative digital teaching skills and methodologies that fit a student-centred approach in order to meet the students’ learning needs and reduce mismatches

- Create an online Repository of digital and virtual reality-based scenarios and diagnostic challenges to be used as teaching and learning sources to qualify nurses

Target Groups

The project is addressed to:

  • Trainers and lecturers
  • Students nurses
  • In-serve nurses

Project Results

The main project results include:

  • An innovative Curriculum for the qualification of Specialist Nurse and the Advanced Practice Nurse
  • An online e-learning package on the application of modern online digital teaching techniques, on the use of medical virtual reality techniques to qualify Specialist Nurse and the Advanced Practice Nurse
  • A Repository of digital and virtual reality-based learning scenarios and problem-solving diagnostic challenges to allow the development of important practical skills



Participating partners:

  • Universitatea de Medicina, Farmacie, Stinte si Tehnologie George Emil Palade din Tirgu Mures, Romania
  • Instituto Politecnico de Braganca, Portugal
  • Klaipedos Universitetas, Lithuania
  • Pixel – Associazione Culturale, Italy
  • Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis, Greece
  • GCS ES Rhena, France

Article Project:

Antão, C.; Antolí-Forner, A.; Fernandes, H.; Alves, S.B.; Pimentel, H. Current Nursing Education Considering Southern 
Europe’s Reality and Legal Framework: A Two-Phased Research Approach. Nurs. Rep. 2023, 13, 1342–1353.


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Avenida D. Afonso V - 5300-121 Bragança | Tel.: (+351) 273 330 950 (IPB) | Tel.: (+351) 273 330 951 (ESSa) | Email.: essa@ipb.pt